

Networks’ Representative

The International Association of Educators (INASED) provides different types of membership to the public.

The International Association of Educators (INASED) provides different types of membership to the public: Individual Membership, Institutional Membership and  Association Membership. Participation in an  International Networks of Educational Research (INER) is also possible.

Members Forms

Individual Membership


Individual members receive benefits of INASED

Individual Membership

Individual members receive benefits of INASED


Institutional Membership


Institutions seeking membership to INASED

Institutional Membership

Institutions seeking membership to INASED


Association Membership


Association seeking membership to INASED

Association Membership

Association seeking membership to INASED


Membership Information

  • International Association of Educators is open to all educators including undergraduate and graduate students at a college of education  who have an interest in communicating with other educators from different countries and nationalities. All candidates of membership must submit a membership application form to the executive committee.  
  • There are two kinds of members – voting members and nonvoting members. Only the members who pay their dues before the election call are called Voting Members and can vote in all elections and meetings and be candidate for Executive Committee in the elections. Other members are called Nonvoting Members.
  • Dues will be determined and assessed at the first week of April  of each  year by the Executive Committee.